Wednesday, August 29, 2007

TC: 74 TFS

The Cuban crisis has gone bad. The soviets under leadership of Nikita Krushchev did not back down, despite the US naval blockade. When all diplomacy fails, President Kennedy is left but one option: Destroy the soviet missiles on Cuba. Ousting the Cuban leader Fidel Castro will be a nice side-effect.

Squadron: 74th Tactical Fighter Squadron Flying F-105D's from Homestead AFB

The Cubans won't be attacked solely by day. With night raids we hope to prevent them from having any rest. Our flight of Thuds has been tasked to destroy targets in Port Havana.

In my cockpit I prepare to take off. The Thud is a rugged aircraft with lots of knobs and dials not like modern fighters with their touch-screens.

With full afterburner I roll down the runway. As I pull up, the airfield disappears into the darkness behind me.

We cross the coastline. Stars shine down on our flight. Each aircraft fully loaded with bombs and guns.

US Navy fighters escort us towards the Cuban coastline. With a full compliment of bombs we only have our guns to defend any aerial defender. The sparrows of these F-4's will cover us in case a Cuban pilot is foolish enough to attack us.

At Havana Harbor nobody is expecting. The harbor is silent, its defenders fighting to stay awake unaware of the impending attack.

Like bats we dive from the black sky, ready to release our bombs.

The night is pitch black, until my hud is lit up by the explosions from the first bombs falling on the harbor.

The first flight has released its bombs, illuminating the ground with their explosions.

I drop my first bombs, pulling up hard to avoid slamming into to ground or hitting any cranes. Awoken by the explosions, Cuban gunners start firing blindly in the sky.

But our Thuds seem to appear from every direction as we perform a second pass, dropping the remainder of our bombs.

This time, there is also tracer fire as troops on the ground start firing at us. But the damage is done, our bombs destroyed several facilities in the harbor.

We all form up again and head back for home. Nobody got hit and the Cubans got some major ordinance shoved down their throat.

I put my aircraft down and taxi for the nearest parking space. Perhaps a quick beer in the canteen before I hit the sack. Tomorrow we will have to fly plenty of other missions.

The End